Quick, name the cutest fish you can think of. Yeah, we had a hard time with that one, too. Eventually, we decided that the Pufferfish is about as cute as a fish can get. Just look at those bulging eyes! They’re like the poisonous Chihuahuas of the sea. We made these Fugu Necklaces so you can wear the second-deadliest vertebrate as a cute charm!

Fugus (Pufferfish, Balloonfish, etc.) have long been a delicacy of Asian cooking. Fugu bones have been recovered from 2300 year-old, Jomon-era middens in Japan. Fugu chefs have to be specially licensed to prepare and serve this dangerous fish, resulting in a few deaths every year. Recently, scientists discovered that puffer toxin is created by the poisonous bacteria puffers eat. Several aquaculture companies now sell poison-less puffers by farm-raising Fugus with strict diets.

Kawaii desu ne?
Whether you like marine biology, exotic gastronomy, or you just like cute animals in wearable formats, this Fugu Necklace is for you!